
Natalia (Yana) Elistratova


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step



I am seeking employment with a company where I can grow as a Frontend Developer.
I am at the start of my career, studying at RS School JavaScript/Front-end course now.

My positive attributes are:

I have no experience in frontend yet, but I think that this course will help me to become a professional step by step.


  1. Markdown
  2. HTML
  3. CSS
  4. Git/GitHub
  5. VS Code

Code example

function multiply(a, b){
  return a * b

Work experience

My first project is my CV.
You can find it here


The Rolling Scopes School
JavaScript/Front-end course, Stage 0
(01.06.2022 – Present)

First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
(Sechenov University)
General Medicine Department
Specialist’s Degree: Medical doctor
(2006 - 2018)

Language skills

Language Level
Russian Native
English Intermediate